What is Cybersecurity ? why is it required?

Cybersecurity refers to a set of techniques used to protect the integrity of an organization’s security architecture and safeguard its data against attack, damage or unauthorized access.

OR in simple words.

Computer security, cybersecurity or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

Now coming to why cyber security is required:

At its core, cybersecurity involves protecting information and systems from cyberthreats. Cyberthreats take many forms, such as application attacks, malwareransomwarephishing and exploit kits. Recent technological advancements have opened up new possibilities for cybersecurity, but unfortunately, adversaries have benefited from these advancements, as well. Taking advantage of automation, attackers can deploy large-scale attacks at significantly reduced costs. Further, the cybercrime economy makes sophisticated attacks easy to deploy and available to a wide variety of motivated adversaries. Cybersecurity tools and technologies should incorporate automation, machine learning and shared threat intelligence to help organizations get ahead and stay on the cutting edge to combat advanced threats, such as:
  • DNS tunneling: Domain Name System is a protocol that translates human-friendly URLs into machine-friendly IP addresses. Cybercriminals know that DNS is widely used, trusted and often unmonitored. DNS tunneling exploits the protocol to transfer malware and other data through a client-server model.
  • Malicious cryptomining: Browser-based cryptomining attacks are possible when an attacker has found a way to inject JavaScript into a website that allows them to hijack the processing power of site visitors’ devices to mine cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin. In the case of malware-based cryptomining, a user’s entire device is taken over and its CPU used at a higher level to mine currency.
  • Ransomware: Ransomware is the focus of a criminal business model that installs malicious software on a device and holds valuable files, data, or information ransom. With its low barrier to entry and high revenue potential, ransomware is the largest threat facing organizations today.
