Importance Of Relationships : These Days

These days most of the relationships are taken for granted. These days’ relationships have an all-new meaning. They are short-lived, meaningless, at times only physical, and lately use and throw relationships seem to be the raging trend. Short-term relationships such as flings, one-night stands have become so common that the true essence of love seems to be lost somewhere. There is nothing wrong with having a no strings attached relation, but the emotional consequences (how much ever you may deny) that one has to bear are not justified. For today’s youth love is blended with lust and in this process they give up their morals, ethics and consciousness. We need to be careful about whom you have repeated intimate contact with — we are likely to form an attachment to that person. And once an attachment is formed, it can be very difficult to break. Without realizing this, individuals today are gallivanting around without giving their actions today a single thought. Love, soul mates, all these things seem to be of the past.  
Not all the people are serious about relationships. They just want us so they ve with us , and when their need is fulfilled by us or they are satisfied they leave us without knowing  their place in our hearts .
They broke us , hurt us . They dont even care about our feelings .They just want to be satisfied !
I am not spreading negativity but its the reality of the society .
No one cares for us from their heart ! Everyone just cares about their selfish needs!
