Anger : The Enemy

Someone ones said that "Anger doesn't solves just destroys  everything".
He said it true though .
We are living in a world where people change their self according to their mood and hurt their close ones.
Many time we are angry on another person and we say stupid and rude things to close ones as they communicate with us every time.It does hurt the close one a lot because even he didn't do anything we rudely talk to them or hurt them.They might not tell you but inside they are hurt.
This gives an negative effect to your relationship with your close one.
Anger is natural feeling which anyone can get but we also should  know how to overcome it and not do stupid or rude things to anyone .

When we get angry, we tend to lose sight of our long term goals and interests and act only in ways that are "helpful" to us in the short term.  For example, we say things or do things in order to hurt the person we are angry at or to get revenge on them.  These actions "help" us in the short term in that they make us feel good.  But in the long term, they hurt our relationships with other people.
